
Shoot The Breeze Ep. 8 Questions on Ukraine!
In this episode of Shoot The Breeze Rughi answers questions sent on Instagram about the war in Ukraine & other shooting facts.  Weapon Snatcher Home Page Branded Rock Canyon home page Weapon Snatcher Daily Deals Mile High Shooting Brownells Palmetto...
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Shoot The Breeze EP.  7 Branded Rock Canyon YT
In this unique episode of Shoot The Breeze, Amy & I sit down and talk about her background as an Olympian and conservationist and the goal behind Branded Rock Canyon, a world premiere hunters training facility, capable of catering to...
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Shoot The Breeze Ep.6 Ukraine Talks from Ukraine
In this unique episode of Shoot The Breeze, Iain from Recoil Magazine & I sit down in a safe house in Eastern Ukraine and discuss the unique warfare going on in the country. Weapon Snatcher Home Page Weapon Snatcher Partners...
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