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From "I don't know" to "I can do!"

Any rifle, any magnification. The time & place to being is here & now.

Introduction To Long Range Courses

Introduction To Long Range Courses

Regular price$650.00

Course Dates & Locations

Introduction To Long Range Course

Welcome to our Introduction to Long Range Courses, a comprehensive 16-hour class designed for up to 6 students. This course builds upon the fundamentals of marksmanship, equipping shooters with essential skills. Throughout these two days, you'll delve into range estimation, ballistics, wind reading, magnified optics, unknown distance (UKD), and team shooting exercises. We cover non-standard shooting positions, with engagement distances ranging from 100 to 800 yards. Originally crafted during the Covid era to address the needs of new shooters, this course answers the questions: What can this rifle do? What can I do? Join us for a journey that sets you up from ground zero, arming you with the knowledge needed for fast, decisive target identification and engagement.

This class is recommended for Shooters of all skill levels & backgrounds that are serious about learning and gaining confidence in both themselves & their system.

Class size, cost & capability varies depending on range capabilities. With large classes, Assistant instructors with exceptional skills & knowledge will be teaching as well, to keep present for all Shooters.

FOR SAWMILL TRAINING ONLY: Book a room on site at Sawmill Training with the link below.

Search - RMS Online Booking ( 

FOR HARRELLS, NORTH CAROLINA ONLY: More details on the facility below.

Capable Inc. (



  • Weapons Safety
  • Weapons Conditions
  • Fundamentals
  • Gear Set Up
  • Rifle Zeroing
  • Intro To Magnified Optics
  • Priorities of Work
  • Analyzing/Fine Tuning, Fundamentals
  • Grouping Drills
  • Zero Confirmation/Grouping Drills
  • Intro To Wind Reading
  • Intro To Ballistics
  • Rifle Truing
  • Intro To Range Estimation
  • UKD/KD Drills
  • Range Card/Target Reference Points
  • Positional Shooting
  • Team Shoots
  • Culminating Shooting Event


NOTE: NOT all items listed below are required to have. You will have the opportunity to try out gear during the course.



  • Scoped Rifle
  • Bolt Action or Semi Auto
  • Any Caliber
  • Bipod
  • Sling
  • 200 Rounds, Preferably Match Grade (no steel core or AP)
  • Ear Protection, Eye Protection (sunglasses & clear)
  • Food & A Lot of Water
  • Note Taking Gear
  • Weapons Maintenance Gear
  • 3 magazines minimum
  • Kestrel Ballistics/Hornady 4DoF/Phone-GEO Ballistics (familiarize yourself with the app prior to class)


  • Go Bag/Day Pack/Rifle Pack
  • Gun Belt, Chest Rig or Plate Carrier
  • Range Finder
  • Bang Bag, Sand Sock, Rear Bag
  • Tripod
  • Allen Keys, Star Keys, Screw Drivers
  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Gun Oils/Grease
  • Jacket & Hat/Boonie Type Cover, Pants (no shorts)
  • Sketch Book
  • Chapstick, Sunblock
  • Shooting Mat
  • Chair/Stool

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 12 reviews
    Good learning experience

    We traveled from Ohio to North Carolina for this class, it was well worth the time and money. John was very informative and good at Communicating what he was teaching. I loved that it was hands on learning. The shooting and communication drills were a lot of fun, and helpful. If you have ever thought about taking a training course this one will be definitely worth your while.

    Great class!

    Took the class at the sawmill wgich is a great facility. The class was great and thd ammo spent felt purposefull. This class left me with skills and knowledge to take home and get better. 100% worth it!!

    Clay Howell
    Outstanding Class

    Scoped Rifle Essentials is exactly as the name implies - the essentials you will need to maximize your shooting with a scoped rifle. John has the ability to articulate and demonstrate the fundamentals needed to make hits out to 800 yards and more. As an instructor who has taken and taught many long range classes, it is easy to offer this endorsement of the class. Take it as soon as you can. I wish this had been my first long range class.

    Gideon Wilz
    Great for all levels

    Took the time to teach and reinforce all fundamentals, demonstrated everything he was teaching, was approachable and answered all questions, i was able to hit a new PR for distance by applying what was taught in this course. Highly recommend.

    Roger Willetts
    Great Course -

    As a novice shooter I learned and laughed a lot. John did a great job of explaining the entire process from start to finish at a level I could process, and the end result was consistent hits at 600 yards several at 700 and one at 800. I had never attempted a shot past 200 prior to the course, and finished the day looking forward to the next one.

    Tools of the Trade