
My name is Kaila Munkwitz and I am a deputy with an agency in the greater NWNC area. If you or your loved ones are involved in Law Enforcement, you’ll understand that for policy reasons, I can’t really state what...
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I’ve been an avid AR builder for about a decade at the time of writing this article. While it’s not my profession, I’ve had opportunity to learn from about a half dozen other professional builders and build hundreds of guns...
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Ron Swanson from the television show Parks and Recreation is famous for saying (among other things) “Never half-ass two things; whole-ass one thing.” Too often in the civilian shooting community, I see shooters choose to half-, third- or even quarter-ass...
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The Gamut challenge was conceived in the mind of a highly skilled, albeit deranged, U.S. Army Veteran. Bob Keller was part of the Army’s Special Missions Unit for 10 years. His military resume is long and extensive and way beyond...
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I have been lucky to be able to attend counseling on a weekly basis for roughly 5 & ½ years at the time of writing this article. The reasons why are massively varied, as are the events I’ve experienced that...
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